OMG! 90%!
Nueva Vida Clinic staff 2024
I was raised in a home that listened to public radio. As a kid, I thought the only thing worse than classical music hour was the annual on-air pledge drive. During those weeks, the spiel would be repeated so many times I learned it off by heart and I still have the station’s phone number memorized.
Then, I grew up and fundraising became a big part of my life and I realized that our own version of a pledge drive, the Fall Fundraiser happening right now, involves many aspects that I actually enjoy:
1) Connecting with people - I have had phone conversations, Zoom calls and email connections with supporters and friends, all people whose company I genuinely enjoy. At the CDCA, we’ve honestly got the greatest supporters - people who are interesting, committed, and caring people. I love hearing how volunteers from many years ago are faring, what people’s families are up to, and meeting new folks for the first time.
2) Reflecting on our work - Most of the time, we have our heads buried down in our day-to-day work and don’t have time to look up and see what we’ve accomplished. It has been amazing when sharing, to look around and see what we are doing, what we have done, how amazing our staff and health promoters and all those who work in our projects are…Instead of focusing on all that’s left to do, it’s a rare delight to reflect on all the positive that is being done.
3) Sharing excitement - Talking to folks who support us, I get excited about our work. And they get excited about our work. And we all build on that excitement and share it with others and it becomes a beautiful moment of positive we’re-in-it-together-ness.
So let’s give one last push together…
We are 90% of the way to meeting our goal! With your help, so far we have raised $44,906.75 of our $50,000 goal!
I'm hoping that you're join us in one final push:
Please make a donation by 30 September:
Online donation here
Manage or increase existing recurring donations through,
Send a check to 4376 Pennington Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29732-8159
From all of us, thank you for all your support!