Did you Ever Wonder?

Where does the money go?

Almost 20% for Nicaraguan staff salaries & benefits (including health & retirement)

Sample of other things we plan for?
Clinic medicine & supplies - 11%
Utilities - electricity, water, internet, telephone - just over 4%
Quarterly newsletter expenses - 3%
Keeping vehicles running - 2%
Legal / Accounting / Bank fees - 1.5%
And of course, lots of other routine things, but …

… then there’s the random stuff…

Recharging fire extinguishers everywhere... office... clinic... Casa Ben Linder... Casa San Juan... to meet fire department current standards.

Trimming trees & repairing damage to clinic roof after one windy day… and then another day… and another day.

Replacing door handles… I mean, the handle just fell off!

Excavating to replace crumbling sewage drains …  old ceramic ones root-filled from more than 30 years ago!

Hauling up well water pump... from 100 meters down... and replacing… no longer reparable.

And the list of arising expenditures just keeps going… some tiny and some huge, some new and some we’ve stalled on for as long as possible. But now they have to be taken care of to keep program services going. We’ve raised enough in our Fall Fundraiser to keep going at the moment, but for the future? Can you help? How are we planning on using your help?

None of this gets done, planned or otherwise, without your help. Thank You!


From Fish to Funds – How You Can Change Lives with Aquaponics